Leave Them Weeping

Leave Them Weeping Grab people by the heart. Make them remember who they are. Show them what they can be. Change their lives and exist forever in the ether.


A table that I designed… Has a changeable textured cloth below the glass. Change it according to occasion!

Scratches, Dents and Design

Few days back, I had this awesome wallpaper on my iMac of Crysis 3 Hunter holding a gun, nicely made wallpaper with lot of thought given to detailing. Our graphic designer was passing by happen to see the wallpaper, He came towards the screen touched the screen where there were scratches on the gun, and admired the detailing…. “look at those scratches!” The other day, I found my old iPod classic while cleaning a drawer, first ever Apple product I bought. It has a dent on the side. First thing I did was touching that dent and remembering how that…

Coolest project that I worked on ever…

Everyone knows the application DrawSomething and the kind of quick success this application has seen is beyond imagination. This is the application where users can draw doodles and share with friends live. It is something very different and subtle the way you communicate with your friends live. There is human factor involved in this application. This is what i think is the key point of success. There are applications that allow you to create drawing on devices and also to share with your friends over various social networks. This just clears your table and puts a simple idea of sharing…

Stop abusing App Delegate

Stop abusing App DelegateGenerally people misunderstand the usage of AppDelegate in iOS programming. It is not a singleton class which people use as a single point of contact for data access from whole class hierarchy. AppDelegate has a specific task that need to be done and it is to work with iOS notifications. If anywhere in your iOS code you are writing, [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate… Its the time to rethink your class design. Matthijs Hollemans has written a nice article about this. I’ve been shouting this from ages, people please read this and STOP ABUSING APP DELEGATE!!


VCRequestHandlerA very lightweight library for processing different types of fetch response. After receiving every response request we need to process it depending on the type of the data, say text, image, xml, json etc. This is a generic library so we can add new custom processors for as many types of different types of responses we need. You can also read local files using this handler asynchronous simple way!! All you need to do is get started with predefined processors i.e. ‘VCResponseProcessor’ and 'VCImageResponseProcessor’. Usage Add 'VCRequestHandler.h’ to the header file, and the implementation class should follow 'VCRequestDelegate’ protocol, add…

Words that changed my life… Stay hungry, Stay foolish.

This is the text of the commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth to be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories of my life. That’s it. No big deal, just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots I dropped out of Reed College after the first…

Improve performance while using shadow/glow using layers

Whenever using layers to add shadow, add rounded corners, show border or anything, just remember to set “shouldRasterize” property of a layer object to YES, default value is NO. self.layer.shouldRasterize = YES; This is what header file says about “shouldRasterize” property. When true, the layer is rendered as a bitmap in its local coordinate space (“rasterized”), then the bitmap is composited into the destination (with the minificationFilter and magnificationFilter properties of the layer applied if the bitmap needs scaling). Rasterization occurs after the layer’s filters and shadow effects are applied, but before the opacity modulation. As an implementation detail the…

resourceURL equivalent before iOS 4

[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourceURL] is same as [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]] I need to use it a lot while making local html pages to show in UIWebView. Just to remember. :-)

Call iOS method for HTML button click

We can use custom urls for this purpose, Lets say we want to add a button1 into HTML page and we want to call “-didTapButton1” when user taps on button1. We should have following code into HTML page that we are loading into UIWebView, <a href="didTap://button1"><img src="button1.jpg" /></a> Now next what we need to do is add methods from UIWebViewDelegate (To call this method the method owner needs to be the delegate for the UIWebView used), - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView*)aWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType { NSString *absoluteUrl = [[request URL] absoluteString]; if ([absoluteUrl isEqualToString:@"didTap://button1"]) { [self didTapButton1]; return NO; } return YES; } And…

Why Service Providers should not get into retail app market

Gone are the days when individual developers or small companies used to make mobile apps, no one was really interested into mobile app system. And it all changed with iPhone App Store. People started thinking seriously about mobile apps as a business. Still when iPhone App Store was just released very few developers and small companies were into the serious app making business. Small companies got good stardom, users and money making opportunity with it. Whats good about these indi developers and small organizations that they did not get stardom by selling apps, they got that stardom by selling those…

Twitter should implement dialog based posting

I added this subject to the blog long time ago..some feb or something, I was gonna write a module that does the job but now…i dont think its required anymore ( this made me sad though :(, i didn get time to write that code ) since iOS5 has nice and beautiful tweet poster inbuilt into the OS. Its a delight!! ( Anyways i can write that code still! )

Read XML attributes in libxml SAX parser

Adding following lines in startElementSAXFunc method, and we can use attributes string keys and values as following. for (int i = 0; i < nb_attributes; i++) { NSString *key = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:(char*)attributes[0] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *value = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:(char*)attributes[3] length:attributes[4] - attributes[3]]; NSLog(@"%@ = %@", key, value); [key release]; [value release]; attributes += 5; }

mundu IM Pro launched…

I was just too busy working on some cool iOS apps past few days. Adding some new UI tweaks, performance and other improvements to existing mundu IM Pro app. And finally we have sent update to the apple, Should get approved in few days. ( mundu IM has never got rejected in the past. :) ) http://twitter.com/#!/davinc/status/25094282717167616 For more info about “mundu IM Pro” on iPhone, please visit, http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/mundu-im-pro/id407228604?mt=8 or follow @munduIM Follow @munduIM for free promo codes.

RSS Reader the way I need it…

Generally every person who is net freak starts his day by going through his RSS feeds. People like me, subscribe to many RSS feeds about programming, iPhone & Apple tech, Usability and stuff. Everyday I have about 30 unread articles in my reader app (I use NetNewsWire on mac). People start going through these articles and they really end up reading only small percentage of those unread, Usually only 5-6 out of 30. As most of the Articles are about same thing, same news, same product explored or smashed. Thats where the problem begins. What people want to read at…

Saare Jahan Se Accha Tabs

On Our Republic Day…This is the only song that comes to my mind, really sounds too good on electric guitar. Saare Jahan Se Accha ---------------------- 4--------------------- ---7--5-7---4--5--5--- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Hindostaan Hamara... ----------------------------- ----------5-6-5-5---6-5------ -----5--7---------7-----7-5-- 5--7------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Hum Bulbule Hai Isaki -----------------5------ --6-8---8-8-5--6---8---- 7----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ Yeh Gulsitan Hamara Hamara.... ------------------------------- 5-6-8--6----------------------- ----------8--7-5-5--5-5-4------ --------------------------7-5-- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Enjoy playing the tune…